The origin of the drawing board is at the bottom left.
- newPage(width: str | float | None = None, height: float | None = None)¶
Create a new canvas to draw in. This will act like a page in a pdf or a frame in a mov.
Optionally a width and height argument can be provided to set the size. If not provided the default size will be used.
Alternatively size(‘A4’) with a supported papersizes or size(‘screen’) setting the current screen size as size, can be used.
# loop over a range of 100 for i in range(100): # for each loop create a new path newPage(500, 500) # set a random fill color fill(random(), random(), random()) # draw a rect with the size of the page rect(0, 0, width(), height())
All supported papersizes: 10x14, 10x14Landscape, A0, A0Landscape, A1, A1Landscape, A2, A2Landscape, A3, A3Landscape, A4, A4Landscape, A4Small, A4SmallLandscape, A5, A5Landscape, B4, B4Landscape, B5, B5Landscape, Executive, ExecutiveLandscape, Folio, FolioLandscape, Ledger, LedgerLandscape, Legal, LegalLandscape, Letter, LetterLandscape, LetterSmall, LetterSmallLandscape, Quarto, QuartoLandscape, Statement, StatementLandscape, Tabloid, TabloidLandscape.
- newDrawing()¶
Reset the drawing stack to the clean and empty stack.
# draw a rectangle rect(10, 10, width()-20, height()-20) # save it as a pdf saveImage("~/Desktop/aRect.pdf") # reset the drawing stack to a clear and empty stack newDrawing() # draw an oval oval(10, 10, width()-20, height()-20) # save it as a pdf saveImage("~/Desktop/anOval.pdf")
- endDrawing()¶
Explicitly tell drawBot the drawing is done. This is advised when using drawBot as a standalone module.
- size(width: float | str, height: float | None = None)¶
Set the width and height of the canvas. Without calling size() the default drawing board is 1000 by 1000 points.
Alternatively size(‘A4’) with a supported papersizes or size(‘screen’) setting the current screen size as size, can be used.
Afterwards the functions width() and height() can be used for calculations.
You have to use size() before any drawing-related code, and you can’t use size() in a multi-page document. Use newPage(w, h) to set the correct dimensions for each page.
# set a canvas size size(200, 200) # print out the size of the page print((width(), height())) # set a color fill(1, 0, 0) # use those variables to set a background color rect(0, 0, width(), height())
All supported papersizes: 10x14, 10x14Landscape, A0, A0Landscape, A1, A1Landscape, A2, A2Landscape, A3, A3Landscape, A4, A4Landscape, A4Small, A4SmallLandscape, A5, A5Landscape, B4, B4Landscape, B5, B5Landscape, Executive, ExecutiveLandscape, Folio, FolioLandscape, Ledger, LedgerLandscape, Legal, LegalLandscape, Letter, LetterLandscape, LetterSmall, LetterSmallLandscape, Quarto, QuartoLandscape, Statement, StatementLandscape, Tabloid, TabloidLandscape.
- sizes(paperSize: str | None = None) tuple[int, int] | dict[str, tuple[int, int]] ¶
Returns the width and height of a specified canvas size. If no canvas size is given it will return the dictionary containing all possible page sizes.
Page Attributes¶
- width() float ¶
Returns the width of the current page.
- height() float ¶
Returns the height of the current page.
- pageCount() int ¶
Returns the current page count.
- pages()¶
Return all pages.
# set a size size(200, 200) # draw a rectangle rect(10, 10, 100, 100) # create a new page newPage(200, 300) # set a color fill(1, 0, 1) # draw a rectangle rect(10, 10, 100, 100) # create a new page newPage(200, 200) # set a color fill(0, 1, 0) # draw a rectangle rect(10, 10, 100, 100) # get all pages allPages = pages() # count how many pages are available print(len(allPages)) # use the `with` statement # to set a page as current context with allPages[1]: # draw into the selected page fontSize(30) text("Hello World", (10, 150)) # loop over allpages for page in allPages: # set the page as current context with page: # draw an oval in each of them oval(110, 10, 30, 30)
- frameDuration(seconds: float)¶
When exporting to mov or gif each frame can have duration set in seconds.
# setting some variables # size of the pages / frames w, h = 200, 200 # frame per seconds fps = 30 # duration of the movie seconds = 3 # calculate the lenght of a single frame duration = 1 / fps # calculate the amount of frames needed totalFrames = seconds * fps # title page newPage(w, h) # set frame duration to 1 second frameDuration(1) # pick a font and font size font("Helvetica", 40) # draw the title text in a box textBox("Rotated square", (0, 0, w, h * .8), align="center") # loop over the amount of frames needed for i in range(totalFrames): # create a new page newPage(w, h) # set the frame duration frameDuration(duration) # set a fill color fill(1, 0, 0) # translate to the center of the page translate(w / 2, h / 2) # rotate around the center rotate(i*10) # draw the rect rect(-50, -50, 50, 50) # save the image as a mov on the desktop saveImage('~/Desktop/frameDuration.gif')
- linkURL(url, (x, y, w, h))¶
Add a clickable rectangle for an external url link.
The link rectangle will be set independent of the current context transformations.
- linkRect(name, (x, y, w, h))¶
Add a clickable rectangle for a link within a PDF. Use linkDestination(name, (x, y)) with the same name to set the destination of the clickable rectangle.
The link rectangle will be set independent of the current context transformations.
# a variable with the amount of pages we want totalPages = 10 # create the first page with a index newPage() # set a font size fontSize(30) # start a loop over all wanted pages for i in range(totalPages): # set a random fill color fill(i/(totalPages-1), .5, i/(totalPages-1)) # draw a rectangle rect(10, 50 * i, 50, 50) fill(1) textBox(f"{i}", (10, 50 * i, 50, 50)) # add a clickable link rectangle with a unique name linkRect(f"beginPage_{i}", (10, 10 + 50 * i, 50, 50)) # start a loop over all wanted pages for i in range(totalPages): # create a new page newPage() fontSize(200) text(f"Page {i}", (30, 30)) # add a link destination with a given name # the name must refer to a linkRect name oval(width()/2-10, height()/2-10, 20, 20) linkDestination(f"beginPage_{i}", (width()/2, height()/2))
- linkDestination(name, (x, y))¶
Add a destination point for a link within a PDF. Setup a clickable retangle with linkRect(name, (x, y, w, h)) with the same name.
The destination position will be set independent of the current context transformations.